Emily Joy DavidsonPhD Candidate in Neuroscience at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry
Emily Davidson is currently working on her M.Sc in Neuroscience. She graduated (summa cum laude) from York University with an honours degree in Cognitive Science and Classical Studies (an eclectic mix if ever there was one). Her publications thus far have involved a heavily interdisciplinary approach to cognitive science, blending evolutionary biology, neuroscience, computer science and philosophy to inspire new ways of thinking about the mind. She is currently interested in using cutting-edge techniques to break new ground on better ways to incorporate these topics together for a more ecologically valid approach to neuroscience. Davidson, EJ. (2020). A Morality Module for Machines, Canadian Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science, 85-101. Davidson, EJ. (2019). Memetic Intention and The Implications for Agency, The Oracle, 10: 32-43. POSTERS
Srikanth, A., Davidson, EJ., Hadad, B., Freud, E (2020). Functional dissociation between action and perception is evident early in life. The 49th Annual Lake Ontario Visionary Establishment Conference, Niagara (Canada) TALKS Davidson, EJ (2019). Memetic Intentions and the Implications for Agency. 2019 Oracle Launch Conference, York University (Canada) |